As cellular internet coverage increases worldwide and satellite internet connection gets more accessible, remote monitoring and managing forestry operations is becoming increasingly more effective. Having the information of all machines and their current work in a single platform allows rapid corrective actions issuing. Hexagon’s recently launch, OM (HxGN AgrOn Operational Management), puts data to work to enable connected ecosystems that boost efficiency, productivity and quality.
OM is Hexagon’s web-based tool built to provide tailor made reports for forestry and agriculture companies.
The solution main functionalities are:
1. Geometries calculation - based on the operation information, OM is capable to calculate polygons that represent relevant information such as covered area and overlapped area. Displaying points and its attributes generated periodically, or events, such as seedlings position is also possible.
2. Numeric calculation - summarized data are calculated by the tool. Some examples of what can be added: productivity, operation time, speed standard deviation and input application accuracy.
3. Charts - used to graphically represent data, especially useful for information such as machine times and operation speed.
4. BI dashboards - for higher level analysis, involving multiple fields and farms it is possible to use BI dashboards, set it with all its built-in filters to show data in the most appropriated way for the desired analysis.
5. Data sharing - it is possible to connect OM to BI tools for enhanced analysis. OM data can be accessed via APIs, which enables its data to be merged with other companies’ data and 3rd party tools for complete analysis on the operations.
How it works
To use OM, it is necessary to have Hexagon’s embedded devices installed in the machines and upload the generated files. These devices (Ti5, Ti7 and Ti10) can be used to assist in multiple field operations, such as soil preparation, mechanized seedlings planting, bait application control, nutrients management and monitor any machine during its operation. When in operation, Ti5, Ti7 and Ti10, will register snapshots every second with up to a hundred attributes, including machine’s data, input application, operation alerts and more. The solution forte is its capability to be fully customized for a company and its operations. The calculations of KPIs, geometries and everything else available on the reports is set up during the implementation phase, allowing companies to set it up considering its specificities and goals with the tool. OM is unique in its low dependency of the machine operator is useful for large companies with many operators and difficulty to make sure they are all setting it up properly. The reports are based on the farm maps, directly uploaded to the cloud, and the operation selected locally.
Hexagon’s OM is coming to the market now, to replace the previous report tool, SWS, using state-of-the-art technology to be faster, handle larger volume of data and improved look & feel.